Sunday, March 3, 2013

Arduino Project - Screen's Brightness Determines Sound (or: JavaScript powered Light Theremin)

I just finished my first Arduino project. Its individual components are very basic, but I love the combination of them.

Check this out:

The Arduino code is fairly simple, it takes the light sensor's value (a value between 0 and 1024 (well, in fact it's a smaller range, because the screen's black is somewhere around 900, and white is about 200)) and maps it to various tones (again a value between 0 and 1024) that I send to the Piezo speaker.

What you can see on the screen is a simple HTML page, whose background is changed for each tone. Here's a sketch of how it works:

var c4 = 0, cs4 = 1, d4 = 2, ds4 = 3, e4 = 4, f4 = 5 ... as5 = 22, b5 = 23;

var melody = [  
  e5, ds5, e5, ds5, e5, b4, d5, c5, a4,a4,a4,
  c4, e4, a4, b4,b4,b4, e4, a4, b4, c5,c5,c5, ...];

function playSong() {
  var intervals = 24; // supports 2 octaves
  for(var i = 0; i < melody.length; i++) {
    var note = melody[i];
    var lumin = 100 - 100/intervals*note;

    setTimeout( (function(lumin) { return function() { changeBackground(lumin); } })(lumin), i*250);

function changeBackground(lum) {"hsl(0,0%,"+lum+"%)";

Edit 2013-03-09:
I put the source code on GitHub -  

Looking forward to get some feedback, or even pull requests.
As you can guess, it didn't take me very long to implement this code, but I'd rather see it as a seed for inspiration for better, bigger projects. Let me know if you have used my code as a basis to create something more sophisticated.

Thanks for reading!