As my master thesis is done, I finally have time for other things.
The first of these things is this blog. I am going to post topics related to computer science (in the broadest sense).
In exactly two months I will start to travel, so the time to catch up with technologies, books, projects, etc, that aroused my interest throughout the past months and years (but had no high priority due to lack of time) is quite limited (so the lack of time might come back soon...).
However, I want to stay up-to-date with the progresses in the computer world during the journey, and am planning to continue posting to this blog (that's one of the reasons why I started it).
I am also planning to make a travel blog. For this purpose, I am going to prepare myself by arranging and adjusting software that might support administrating my online resources from Internet cafès with slow Internet connections.
Some time ago I have written a simple, small Java program, called
It offers to load a directory of JPG files and shrink it to a configurable size into a subdirectory called
resized. The software is really trivial and did not take a lot of time to be written. But it helps uploading lots of (small-sized) pictures to the blog, without manually resizing them and having to waste time waiting for slow connections.
I always was interested in writing an
Eclipse RCP application. So I am going to port this small ImageResizer GUI (Java Swing) to an application based on the Eclipse platform.
The purpose is to improve my skills and learn new technologies, and finally I am going to use the software on my journey.
My final goal is to have a set of programs (e.g. including ftp clients, ssh clients, etc.) that are a reasonable replacement for my desktop computer.
P.S.: Yeah, I know, that this is one of the most basic blogger-templates, but I like it, and do not want to spend much time on modifying it.